Census Tract Criteria
Use one of these mapping tools to complete the census tract criteria percentages (poverty rate, unemployment rate, median family income): Novogradac map, Cohn Reznick map, or CDFI NMTC Public Viewer.
Use one of these mapping tools to complete the census tract criteria percentages (poverty rate, unemployment rate, median family income): Novogradac map, Cohn Reznick map, or CDFI NMTC Public Viewer.
The Central Valley NMTC Fund, LLC (CVNMTC) is pleased to have received multiple New Markets Tax Credits allocations totaling $145 million. As the only allocatee headquartered in the Central Valley, CVNMTC is tasked with ensuring these limited resources are provided to the most impactful projects. Potential borrowers are requested to describe and document the community, social, economic, and environmental benefits anticipated by the project.
Each project considered is evaluated on its merits by CVNMTC staff, its consultants, and the CVNMTC Advisory Board. Specific focus points are job creation, community benefit, economic benefit, and the ability of the sponsor/developer to bring the project to realization. Detailed responses will help CVNMTC quantify and assess the anticipated community benefits and create a more compelling application to the CDFI Fund for additional allocation. To be considered, please download and complete our Intake Form. Once completed, email the Intake Form along with the supporting documentation (up to 10MB) to info@cvnmtc.com.